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产品号码:  OE0008
产品条码:  603573350673

硫辛酸還是一種超強型的抗氧化劑, 更是自由基捕手,是機體細胞利用糖類等能源物質產生能量所需的一種限制性必需營養物質,廣泛用於治療和預防心臟病、糖尿病等多種疾病。一般認為它能保存和再生其它抗氧化劑,如維生素C和E等,並能平衡血糖濃度。有效增強體內免疫系統,免受於自由基的破壞。

它對多種病症具有治療功效:肝病、糖尿病、人類後天免疫不全帶原者、愛滋病、牛皮蘚、濕疹、燒傷、皮膚癌、多發性硬化症、帕金森氏症、神經科方面的疾病、風濕病、風濕性關節炎、紅斑性狼瘡、硬皮症、自體免疫方面的疾病、白內障、其它眼科疾病、心臟病、中風、動脈硬化、 用於急性及慢性肝炎、肝硬變、肝性昏迷、脂肪肝等疾病。

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a Powerful Antioxidant and supports the Regeneration of Antioxidants. Alpha Lipoic Acid also appears to Function as a coenzyme in both Antioxidant & Metabolic Functions.

Alpha-Lipoic acid is a naturally occurring substance and can be found in most types of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In humans, Alpha-Lipoic acid is a cofactor in several multienzyme complexes involved in energy formation, and as Alpha-Lipoic acid is both water and fat soluble, it is present in virtually all parts of the body. As a result, it is ofter referred to as the "universal antioxidant." The human body is capable of producing Alpha-Lipoic acid itself in small amounts. Furthermore the body resorbs this antioxidant from ingested food, like potatoes and meat.

Yet an individual's level of Alpha-Lipoic acid is actually very low and there is evidence that this level declines further with age. To overcome this issue, supplementation of Alpha-Lipoic acid is reasonable under any conditions that lead to a decline of the body's antioxidant status, like sports, stress, intake of unbalanced nutrition and during illnesses. The daily dose is about 300 milligrams. According to a number of Human studies, this dose is effective as well as safe, provided that a supplement of good quality is used.

Due to its unique chemical structure, Alpha-Lipoic acid is capable of attaching to s0-called free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS). Free radicals are highly reactive molecules from numerous origins such as pollution, radiation, alcohol, cigarette smoke or certain drugs. Free radicals can interfere with cell membranes, enzymes or DNA, may cause severe damage to tissues and increase the effects of cell aging and diseases. Like other antioxidants, Alpha-Lipoic acid interacts with free radicals and converts them to entities, which can no longer harm cell structures.

As part of this antioxidant network, Alpha-Lipoic acid may help alleviate the effects of oxidative stress for the human body. Oxidative stress plays a major role in the development of diabetes and nerve diseases. Thus Alpha-Lipoic acid is also presumed to be effective in reducing complications associated with type II diabetes as well as protecting nerve cells from damage. Diabetic cells are characterized by high blood glucose contents. The consumption of glucose is carried out by certain enzyme complexes, which employ Alpha-Lipoic acid as an essential cofactor. Alpha-Lipoic acid stimulates the uptake of blood glucose into muscle tissue, increases glycolysis and augments glucose utilization. Furthermore, Alpha-Lipoic acid inhibits gluconeogenesis. There has also been evidence that it also has a positive influence on insulin action by stimulating insulin sensitivity. As high blood pressure, weight problems or atherosclerosis often accompanies diabetic complications, Alpha-Lipoic acid supplementation may help to alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions.

In general, Alpha-Lipoic acid improves the overall cellular function of the human body. As many diseases share an inability of proper cellular function due to cell damage, Alpha-Lipoic acid might also be beneficial in various complications such as neurological disorders, heart disease or immune malfunction.

一般零售价:   $16.99 30% Off
本站优惠价:  $11.89
本月厂商赞助价:  $11.89
重量:  4 盎司

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美国主流天然有机健康食品总匯 - 蜂胶, 麦苗,萝梨果, 降低血糖草药, 苦瓜精, 抗氧化元素, 山桑子, 叶黄素, CQ10, 碧萝芷, 抗癌食物, 鯊鱼软骨, 玻尿酸, 综合维他命, 维骨力, 银杏,月见草, HGH, 抗老化秘方, 奶蓟草, 保肝精, 鱼油, 纳豆激脢, 红麴, 大蒜精, 卵磷酯, 紫锥花, 灵芝, 舞茸, 蘑菇, 何首乌, 冬虫夏草,DHA, 红景天, 黄耆精, 红花苜蓿, 狐蒂雅, 第二代淀粉综合剂

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