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(SCHIFF VITAMIN - Move Free Ultra 75 CT )
产品号码:  COS-408
产品条码:  020525954671

活關節維骨力, 可幫助人體軟骨的重建,維持關節及連繫組織的復原。葡萄糖氨和骨膠原是肌肉骨骼,軟骨,筋腱,血管組織的重要原料, 40歲以上, 或平常很少運動的人需要時常補充葡萄糖氨和骨膠原才能防止上了年紀之後的膝蓋關節疼痛。

處方含有II型膠原蛋白, 可幫助維修關節, 玻尿酸可幫助關節的潤滑, 硼可幫助骨頭的生長, OMEGA-3金鉤蝦油比原來的MOVE FREE 維骨力有加倍的效果.

每日服一次,每日只要一顆, 飯後服。

•Type II Collagen: Helps preserve joints*
•Hyaluronic Acid: Supports joint lubrication*
•Boron: Promotes bone health*
•Dietary supplement

1 Move Free vs. 2 Glucosamine & Chondroitin Tablets
•2 Times Better Than Glucosamine & Chondroitin
•Contains Omega-3s from 100% Krill Oil
•Helps Fight Cell Damage from Free Radicals
•Concentrated Formula for Small Dose (1 Softgel per Day)
•Move Free's Most Effective Formula for Joint Health

Move Free Ultra Omega Joint Supplement, the brand's most effective formula for joint health, is 2 times better than Glucosamine and Chondroitin to support joint comfort and support your joint health.* It contains a blend of Omega-3s from 100% krill oil, hyaluronic acid, and the antioxidant astaxanthin. Move Free Ultra Omega promotes joint health and comfort and helps protect tissue against harmful free radicals.^ The Ultra Omega formula helps lubricate joints and fight breakdown of cartilage. Small softgels are easy to swallow; take just 1 per day.

Two Times Better for Joint Comfort Than Glucosamine & Chondroitin* Move Free Ultra Omega is the most effective Move Free formula for joint health support.* A study found that Move Free Ultra Omega is twice as effective as glucosamine and chondroitin for joint comfort.^

Cushions Joints to Prevent Friction Move Free Ultra Omega contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a potent form of one of the main lubricating components found in your joints. As we get older, our HA tends to decrease, which can reduce joint cushioning.

Omega-3s from Krill Oil Support Joint Health The omega-3 fatty acids in Move Free Ultra Omega come from 100% krill oil. Krill are small crustaceans that thrive in the Antarctic Ocean. The omega-3s in krill oil are carried to your body's cells in phospholipid form. Cell membranes have an outer layer of phospholipids, so your body recognizes the omegas in Move Free and absorbs them efficiently.

Limits Cell Damage from Free Radicals Move Free Ultra Omega also contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, helping to keep cells healthy.

One Small Softgel per Day The Move Free Ultra Omega softgel is small and easy to swallow. It's concentrated so you need just 1 per day.

Healthy Joints Move Free

Proud Sponsor of the Arthritis Foundation®

Made with Superba® Krill Oil Superba is a registered trademark of the Aker Group.

No added sugar (sucrose, fructose, lactose), salt (sodium chloride), yeast, wheat, gluten or milk.

一般零售价:   $49.99 54% Off
本站优惠价:  $28.59
本月厂商赞助价:  $22.87
重量:  2.4 盎司

Move Free Ultra 75 CT
零售价:$49.99  54% Off
本站价: $28.59
精选产品特价: $22.87
零售价:$44.99  50% Off
本站价: $26.39
精选产品特价: $22.43

美国主流天然有机健康食品总匯 - 蜂胶, 麦苗,萝梨果, 降低血糖草药, 苦瓜精, 抗氧化元素, 山桑子, 叶黄素, CQ10, 碧萝芷, 抗癌食物, 鯊鱼软骨, 玻尿酸, 综合维他命, 维骨力, 银杏,月见草, HGH, 抗老化秘方, 奶蓟草, 保肝精, 鱼油, 纳豆激脢, 红麴, 大蒜精, 卵磷酯, 紫锥花, 灵芝, 舞茸, 蘑菇, 何首乌, 冬虫夏草,DHA, 红景天, 黄耆精, 红花苜蓿, 狐蒂雅, 第二代淀粉综合剂

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