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My Favorite International Recipes

产品号码:  SN2256
产品条码:  021078022565







RejuvenZyme(TM), a Bio-Aligned(TM) formula, contains a comprehensive blend of proteolytic systemic enzymes that benefit the entire body. The enzymes support smooth, efficient circulation of blood and nutrients, and reduce minor, occasional pain associated with everyday activities. They provide a balanced approach to cardiovascular, joint and respiratory health, and support the immune system.

Rejuvenzyme and Its Healthy Ingredients Rejuvenzyme is one of the best products from Source Naturals. It contains some proteolytic systemic enzymes which are benefit for the whole body. Those enzymes are important to support the blood circulation, reduce pain related with daily activities, provide good support for the cardiovascular and respiratory system, and improve the immune system. This product also contains some additional phytonutrients and minerals which are able to provide human's body with antioxidant properties. Here are some ingredients which are important to support human's health.

a. Pancreatin

This is a mixture of the some natural digestive enzymes which are produced in the exocrine cells in the pancreas. The mixture is usually composed from lipase, amylase, and protease. Pancreatin is useful to treat people with cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, or surgical pancreatectomy. This compound is very effective to help people with celiac disease, cancer, weight loss, autoimmune disease, and even food allergies.

b. Bromelain

Bromelain has the powerful function as the anti-inflammatory agent. It is usually used to treat people with arthritis, hay fever, ulcerative colitis. The main functions of the bromelain are relaxing muscles, slowing blood clotting, stimulating muscle contractions, improving the absorption of antibiotics, removing excessive fat, and also preventing cancer. This compound is effective to be mixed with the other proteolytic enzymes in order to prevent inflammation and cancer.

c. Rutin

Rutin is one of the important systemic enzymes which can improve the human's health. This enzyme is important to prevent inflammation, inhibit platelet aggregation, improve blood circulation, prevent blood clots. Rutin is also effective to treat people with hemorrhoids, microangiopathy, and varicosis. It can also act as the effective antioxidant.

d. Papain

This enzyme has many health benefits for you. It is able to act as the anti-inflammatory agent, anti-fungal, and also antioxidant. Other than those features, the papain is also effective to improve the immune system, prevent cancer, treat people with burns, irritations, or wounds.

e. Serrapeptase

The serrapeptase is one of the systemic enzymes which are beneficial for your health. This enzyme is useful to prevent inflammation, blood clots, cysts, scars, and also arterial plague. It is very effective to prevent any cardiovascular diseases. Another benefit of this enzyme is its ability to fight against stroke.

f. Trypsin

It is an enzyme which is needed to speed up the specific biochemical reaction. This enzyme is actually produced by small intestine naturally. However, there are some people who do not have enough trypsin in their digestive system. The trypsin supplements are needed to improve digestive system, remove wounds, improve healing and many more.

g. Ionic Trace Minerals

These minerals are important to make you feel better and energetic. They are needed by your body to regulate hormones, amino acids, and enzymes in the whole body. The minerals are also able to keep the pH balance, bone health, and improve the human's health.

h. Amla Fruit

Amla fruit is beneficial for your health because it contains high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants. This compound is able to prevent the inflammation and cancer. Another benefit of consuming the amla fruit is its ability to regulate the bowel movements, improve the fiber consumption, and prevent cataracts in diabetic person.

Additional phytonutrients and minerals provide the body with antioxidant defense.

Suggested Use: 2 capsules twice a day as needed on an empty stomach with at least 8 ounces of water.

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