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My Favorite International Recipes

产品号码:  TK0002
产品条码:  617279230023

The Cinnabalance proprietary blend of plant extracts that is specially formulated to help diabetics manage their blood sugar levels naturally.

Tropical Oasis CinnaBalance helps regulate blood sugar levels for diabetics and those who suffer from metabolic syndrome, which may also help reduce unwanted belly fat.

Cinnamon Bark benefits for diabetics
Chinese medicine has used Cinnamon bark, or "Cassia" for thousands of years to treat diabetes. It is believed that hydroxychalcone, the active ingredient in cinnamon, may enhance the effect of insulin by helping the body become more sensitive to it. Increasing insulin sensitivity allows the cells and tissue to uptake glucose and thus promotes glycogen synthesis. This is helpful not only to those diagnosed with diabetes, but also those who have metabolic syndrome. Because it has been very effective in lowering insulin levels, it is recommended to consult a medical profession before combining Cinnamon with medications that can cause hypoglycemia, such as insulin or sulfonylureas. You may need to adjust your medication dose to prevent your blood sugar level from becoming too low. Cinnamon also has been used to help treat type 2 diabetes and for gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, including flatulence, GI spasms, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea as well as minor infections, colds, menopausal symptoms, hypertension, angina, and kidney disorders.

Aloe Vera benefits for diabetics
Aloe Vera is a desert plant that is the traditional remedy for diabetes in the Arabian Peninsula. Some modern studies have shown that Aloe Vera can reduce blood sugar levels up to 50% in some people. In addition to reducing blood sugar levels, Aloe Vera contains protein, amino acids, and enzymes that are beneficial to your body. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and have beneficial effects to digestive system irritations.

Ginger Root Benefits for Diabetics
Ginger root is another herbal ingredient with a long history in Chinese medicine. While not known for controlling blood sugar levels, ginger is well-known for it’s effect on cholesterol levels and improved circulation. Many diabetics are at an increased risk of stroke and heart disease, so ginger’s ability to inhibit cholestorol production in the liver and decrease the clotting agent activity that can result in heart attack and stroke may be highly beneficial. Ginger is also credited with controlling nausea, aiding digestion, food absorption, as well as relief of allergies, asthma, arthritis, and colds.

What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that occur together and increase the risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes and is directly related to obesity. A growing problem in the United States, Metabolic syndrome is often associated with excessive belly fat and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. If you suspect you may suffer from Metabolic syndrome, consult your medical professional, and start taking natural and proactive steps to prevent developing diabetes.

• Blend of traditional herbs used to aid diabetes management including Aloe Vera, Cinnamon Bark, and Ginger Root.
• May help those with metabolic syndrome lose belly fat
• Sugar, fructose, and gluten free
• Low glycemic index, low calories, low carbs

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美国主流天然有机健康食品总匯 - 蜂胶, 麦苗,萝梨果, 降低血糖草药, 苦瓜精, 抗氧化元素, 山桑子, 叶黄素, CQ10, 碧萝芷, 抗癌食物, 鯊鱼软骨, 玻尿酸, 综合维他命, 维骨力, 银杏,月见草, HGH, 抗老化秘方, 奶蓟草, 保肝精, 鱼油, 纳豆激脢, 红麴, 大蒜精, 卵磷酯, 紫锥花, 灵芝, 舞茸, 蘑菇, 何首乌, 冬虫夏草,DHA, 红景天, 黄耆精, 红花苜蓿, 狐蒂雅, 第二代淀粉综合剂

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